Website Useability Study

Marketing Research, Market Research, Telephone Interviews

Most websites are designed based on the preferences of the owner and designer, not the user, which can be a costly mistake in terms of missed opportunities and sales. Your user interface and experience (UI & UX) should be designed to meet the needs of your customers and prospects.

Your website should be easy to navigate and offer the content and features your visitors are seeking. Designing your site based on user preferences will lead to greater conversion rates and sales revenue.

The best way to understand user preferences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your site’s UI and UX, is by conducting a useability test. Effectively testing the usability and utility of your website involves the following process.

  • Step #1: Recruiting a Small Sample (or group) of users who represent your target market. The industry standard is to engage five users. We feel this is inadequate because users access your site through both mobile and desktop devices, and they deliver different page experiences; we test five for both device categories.
  • Step #2: Engage and Observe Users in essential tasks to follow their clickthrough paths and interview them on the experiences, in terms of what they liked and what they would change. Our remote testing includes an interview to evaluate design, content and navigation aspects and we document results.
  • Step #3: Tabulate and Summarize Results to produce a recommendations report. Our reports present actionable insights that include an optimization plan. This plan covers specific actions that need to take place in order for your website to deliver much better conversion rates and revenue generation.

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