Our goal in leadership development is to identify, train, coach and empower key individuals in our client organizations to help define vision, mission and values as well as focus on and achieve strategic goals through specific tactical actions and accountability. In addition leadership is responsible for the success of change management in the organization, e.g. that is, successfully moving from one state to another. With the ever-increasing rate of change in all facets of business and in all markets, internal change management is no longer a philosophical ideal…change management must become a way of insuring the company has a successful future.
Marketing Solutions builds High Performance Leadership teams in six primary ways:
- Assessment – Where and what are the pinch points, current cost vs potential gains
- Planning – Strategic, tactical, project and change management
- Modeling – Onsite exhibition of leadership skills individually and with teams
- Teaching – Methods/processes/procedures with immediate application value
- Coaching – One-on-one coaching experience, leadership/management skill development
- Accountability – C.O.R.E. Leadership team meetings; facilitation point of tactical initiatives
Cultural Development
Culture is to the organization what personality is to the individual. It is the pattern of shared beliefs, values and assumptions that are acquired over time and shape behavior. Culture determines the way things are done around the work place, how decisions are made, how customers are taken care of, and how employees are treated. In essence, it is what gets rewarded formally and informally. Culture is not a stand-alone end state, rather, a living integration of all the factors that shape individual, team and company behavior.
Today, culture is the accumulative power inside companies that has a decisive bearing on whether they rise or fall. The good news is we can now identify and break culture down into component parts and work on them while in motion to create a different and better outcome or result.
Marketing Solutions achieve this through a ten step process.
- Current cost/gap analysis
- Organizational Cultural Inventory (OCI)
- Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI)
- Focus Areas for cultural change:
- Build or enhance constructive behaviors
- Empower and engage those with passive behavior
- Eliminate or curb aggressive behavior
- Evaluate 31 levers for change ie Positive, Neutral, Negative
- Scope cultural change program
- Enlist leaders and managers
- Kick off and Implement program
- Monitor, measure, report
- Modify where and when necessary
We’ll help your organization optimize Leadership & Cultural Development. Contact Us to learn how you can develop and lead a more functional and effective organization.